Current Students
General Contractors License Class
The current students who are preparing for the Florida contractor exam are from all over Florida as well as other parts of the country. Many of the out of state students who attend our general contractors license class do so to broaden the scope of where they can contract. Many current students are in the process of attaining a license to become a Florida general contractor so that they can work as contractors in Florida where the GC requirements differ from those of their home states.
If you have trouble scheduling
your Business and Finance exam please call Pearson view testing
at 1-888-204-6230.
Also if you have any learning disabilities
please let the state know at 1-800-330-3776 Examples: A.D.D
or H.D.A.D as they will normally give you extra
time to finish your exam. You will have to send them a letter
from your doctor.
How to study before class starts
Do the three practice question notebooks and do them this
way. Read the question carefully and ask yourself these
questions. What is the question asking me after I remove all the
non-important material
deliberately placed there to confuse me. What are the key words in the
question. Is there a tab for this page, 50% of the test
questions are on or near one of our pre-printed tabs. Look
for the
correct answer in the answer key. Go to the page stated on
the answer key and read the correct answer. Ask yourself again "what were
the key words in the question and was I right". Now using the key words, check the
Index to see how to get yourself to the answer. Do this over and over for
each question. You should be able to do around 40 questions per
hour using this technique. Don't get bogged down on any one
question. If you're not understanding it, just skip it. There will
be more like it later. At first you will be a little slow but after
a few days your speed will pick up.
You should
spend a "minimum" of 40 hours at home studying before coming to
class. Make time for studying by getting up an hour and half
earlier each day. Yes, that means you have to go to bed early but
this will give you quiet uninterrupted study time. Think about it,
in 30 days times, 1.5 hours per day equals 45 hours of study time.
Now, 45 hours, times 40 practice questions per hour, equals 1,800
questions done before you get to class. Yes, you
can get all your practice questions done before class!
NOTE: If you are really weak in Math, watch the free math
review that's on this website a few times. If
that still doesn't help. You can go to
Kahn Academy and watch
free Math videos along with their free Math Practice
questions. Or you can go to your local college and ask for their
Math Lab, they have students there that can tutor you.
Q. Which location is the best to take the test at?
A. Orlando/Kissimmee - We have been to both the Orlando and the
Miami testing facilities and we have found that the proctors and
testing administrators were more helpful at the Orlando location
and with the study groups in Orlando it will be in your best
interest not to worry about traveling until after the exam.
Q. What do I do for the two days after the class is
completed but before the exam is given? A. We highly
recommend that you should stay at the hotel and continue the intense
study habits that you have been following all week long.
This will also give you the opportunity to continue having study
groups with the other students who are staying at the
Q. When do I take the Business and Finance
exam? A. You should take the business exam on the
following Monday or Tuesday after taking the Technical exam as
this will give you the entire weekend to study. Also since this
is a computer based test you can take your exam in your home area.
Q. What can I use to carry my
We have found that the easiest way to do this is to purchase a
collapsible cart like this one:
You can purchase this cart at Office Max By following this link
Or you can get one like it at any of the major office supply stores
near you for around 20 dollars. Also, above is an example of how
you can get most of your books in the cart.

Also we are asked, how do you
keep you books from falling over.Some of our students are using
a stacking desk sorter for their smaller books like
the one below. Follow the link by clicking HERE

The calculator that our instructors prefer to use is the Cannon
TX-220TS. We will have some in class. Or you can purchase it from Staples